How do I delete a RACF ID using the Web page for Manage JIS User IDs?

To delete a RACF ID, you must be a court administrator or site coordinator and you must have access to the RACF Administration (RACFADMN) application. You cannot delete a RACF ID using the Web page for Manage JIS User IDs

Additionally, there are other steps that must be completed prior to deleting the RACF ID.  For a complete list of steps, please review the eService Answer Processing Instructions when a Person Leaves Court Employment

  • Once the other steps have been completed, then you can complete the last step of deleting the user's user ID (RACF ID) using the RACF Administration application. 
  • See the Delete RACF Users topic of the RACF Administration (RACFADMN) page of the JIS Online Manual for instructions and a demonstration of the RACF ID delete process.

If you have any questions, please contact AOC's Customer Services by submitting a question using eService Center or by calling 1-800-442-2169 and select Option 1. 

See also: 

RN id: 924