How does a new court become part of JIS? Does the court need to do anything to contract with another city or county?

To submit a request for a new Judicial Information System (JIS) court or a reorganization of an existing JIS court in Washington State, please submit a request to Customer Services of the Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts, as follows:

Use eService Center selecting Topics: JIS Case Management. In the Description area, include the following information:

  • Incident or Ticket Number (if one has already been assigned)
  • Court ID (if known at this time)
  • Court Name
  • Court Address
  • Court E-Mail Address
  • Type of organization change:
    • New JIS Court
    • Court is Closing
    • Court is Consolidating
  • Court's Implementation Date on JIS (for a new court only, if known at this time)
  • Court's First Day of Business
  • Court Administrator Contact (name, phone number, e-mail address).

Then click the Submit button. The AOC will contact the court administrator to make further arrangements.

Note: Per HB 2034 from the 2024 Washington State Legislative session, notification must be provided to AOC at least six months prior to creating a new municipal court, at least six months prior to terminating an existing municipal court, and no less than one year prior to the expiration of an agreement for court services with another city or county.

RN id: 1514