Why would a case scheduled in JIS not appear on the calendar?
Why is one case printing at the end of the calendar when it is scheduled for the same time as an earlier hearing?
Why is the judge's name wrong?

Printed Calendars from JIS can be affected by the way cases are scheduled in JIS and by the way the calendar is requested on the Prepare Calendar (PCS) screen. Below are solutions to each of the above questions. Scroll down to read all the solutions, or click a link below to go directly to that solution:

Case scheduled on the Set court Date (CDT) screen is NOT on the printed Calendar.
Case scheduled on the CDT screen is printing at the END of the Calendar, by itself.
The Judge's name on the printed Calendar is wrong.

Case scheduled on the Set Court Date (CDT) screen is NOT on the printed Calendar:

When a case is missing from your Calendar, it either does not meet the criteria to print on the Calendar that was requested on the PCS screen, or it has a missing or incorrect Date, time Courtroom, or Judge Code. Here are things to check:

  1. Check the CDT screen:
    • Are the correct courtroom and Judge Code entered?
    • Are the Date (including year) and Time set correctly?
  2. Check the Case Docket (CDK) screen:
    • Were any of the Codes added AFTER the calendar was ordered?
  3. Check the PCS screen - how was the Calendar ordered?
    • By Day.
    • By Day Time.
    • By Day and Courtroom.
    • By Day and Judge.
    • By Day, Time, Courtroom, and Judge.

      Note: Limiting the way the calendar is ordered, specifically by the last (most limiting) option, will result in cases being omitted from the calendar if they DO NOT meet the requested criteria. Re-run the Calendar again, using ONLY the Day or Day and Time option, to see if the missing case is now listed.

Case scheduled on the CDT screen is printing at the END of the Calendar, by itself:

Additional calendars are created for each day, time, courtroom, and judge. One case listed by itself on a calendar means it is the only one set on that day or time, with that judge, or in that courtroom. Here are things to check if the entry should not have printed by itself:

  1. Check the CDT screen - are the correct Courtroom and Judge Code entered?
  2. Check the CDK screen - was the Courtroom or Judge Code updated AFTER the calendar was ordered?
  3. Re-run the Calendar from the PCS screen after any corrections are made.

The Judge's name on the printed Calendar is wrong:

The Judge Name on the Calendar is pulled from two locations the CDT screen and the PCS screen. Here are things to check:

  1. Check the CDT screen is the correct Judge Code entered on the case(s)?
  2. If so, then the Judge Name must have been unintentionally replaced by the "Judge Nm" override field on the PCS screen. Re-run the Calendar without using the Judge Nm override field.

    Note: The Judge Nm override field on the PCS screen allows Courts to list the name of a Pro tem judge that may be hearing the Calendar, without having to re-assign all of the cases to that Judge Code. If you ACCIDENTALLY type a letter, symbol, or even the Space Bar while the cursor is in that field, that information will be listed on the Printed Calendar instead of the Assigned Judge's Name.

See also:

For additional questions, please use eService Center and select Topic: Case Management, or call AOC Customer Services at 1-800-442-2169, Option 3.

RN id: 1836