How does our court correct the data exception error for a blank County Code in the address?

JIS generates the County Code based upon the city entered, provided that:

  • The city name is spelled correctly, AND
  • The correctly spelled city name is matched to a county in the internal City/County JIS table.

If the above criteria are not met, the County Code remains blank when the record is saved.

Note: You will not see whether or not the County Code has been automatically filled in until AFTER you have saved the record. You will need to re-display the record to verify the County Code entry.

To correct a blank County Code, please follow the suggested steps below (including the Exceptions at the end of these steps):

  1. Confirm the spelling of the city.  The JIS list of cities and towns available is included in the JIS Cities and Counties Cross-reference documents attached at the bottom of this answer:
    • In PDF format (sorted by County).
    • In PDF format (sorted by City).
    • In Excel format (Pre-sorted by County, but you can resort if you wish).
  2. Re-enter the city using a confirmed spelling and save the record. Re-display the record to see if the County Code has been automatically added to the record. 
  3. If the County Code does not appear in the County Code field, enter it manually. The Washington County Codes are located in the JIS Online Codes Manual.
    Note: Please be sure to use the proper County Code when entering it manually, as the system will allow an incorrect County Code with a warning message.
  4. Please notify AOC Customer Services if: 
    • You have to enter a County Code manually; or
    • Your court's address data exception report lists an error in the County Code, but you have confirmed that the correct County is on the record.

To report one of the above conditions to AOC Customer Services, please use eService Center and select Topic: Case Management.  In the Question Data area, include the person record number, city name, county name and/or number in your incident, and the action you have taken.  Then click Submit to AOC (Step 1 of 2), then click Finish Submitting (Step 2 of 2).

Exceptions to the above instructions:

  1. There are some cities that do not fall into the above procedures because of one of the following conditions:
> The city lies within two bordering counties and is listed by both counties.


Bothell is listed for both King and Snohomish Counties.
Recommendation for Bothell:   From the display of maps available on the City of Bothell's Web site (, click the map entitled City Map. This map has detailed street addresses so you can pinpoint the address and determine in which county it lies. You may also find the map entitled City County (available from the same link above) helpful in making this determination.  The City County map has less street name detail but does have the King and Snohomish County boundaries shaded. Once you have determined the correct County Code, enter it on the JIS person's record.
> There are two cities/towns in the state with the same name, but in different counties.


Wabash in King and Lewis Counties.
Clyde in King and Walla Walla Counties.
Recommendation: Manually enter the correct County Code.
> The city does not have its own Zip Code and/or is not on the JIS City/County Table.


Skamania and Home Valley are not on the JIS City/County Table and do not have their own Zip Code but rather use Zip Code 98648 for Stevenson.

Cook is not on the JIS City/County Table and does not have its own Zip Code, but rather uses Zip Code 98605, the same as Bingen.

Recommendation: Use the city that is listed on the JIS City/County table that has a valid Zip Code to avoid the exception. (The local community's name MAY be used with the official Zip Code of the serving post office, but the address will continue to show on future exception reports.)

2.  If you encounter a city that falls into one of the three conditions above, JIS will leave the County Code BLANK.  You will then need to determine in which county the city/town lies, and manually enter the correct County Code.

Return to the beginning of the Instructions.

See also: Additional information regarding address data entry in the JIS Online Manual:

RN id: 1928