No case index exists when a SCOMIS case is deleted/destroyed pursuant to court order.  The only document in the deleted case is the order directing the clerk to delete/destroy.  Since SCOMIS does not allow entry of new documents when the case has been deleted/destroyed, how do I docket a new order directing the WSP to expunge records after a SCOMIS case has been destroyed previously by court order?

To document the new order directing the WSP to correct and clean up their data, reconstruct the original case as a skeleton case in SCOMIS:  

 1. Use the Verify Case command and original case number.
 2. On the Charge screen, enter non-charge 00.00.000.   
 3. On the Docket screen:


Enter the initial order that deleted/destroyed the case, with its original subdocument number.  
 B.Enter the documents for the new order with the sequential subdocument numbers. 
4.The case requires a new order allowing the clerk to delete/destroy the SCOMIS skeleton case if that action was not included in the order affecting the WSP records.
When the SCOMIS case is re-deleted/re-destroyed, the only documents remaining in the sealed files are the original orders pertaining to the delete/destroy actions of the clerk.

RN id: 2044