What is the proper procedure to reflect that a guardianship case (Case Type 4) was dismissed after a non-jury trial? Using the Resolution Code DSM inaccurately echos "Dismissal Without Trial."
Using DSM in a Case Type 4 does result in the description "Dismissal Without Trial." The DSM Resolution Code is used for more than Case Type 4 cases. Using DSM for dismissal of a Case Type 4 after a trial inaccurately reflects the resolution of the case.
The recommendation is:
Docket the trial (NJTRIAL)
Docket the Order of Dismissal (ORDSM)
Resolve the case with resolution code CLCO (Closed by Court Order After a Hearing)
These entries accurately reflect that a nonjury trial was held, an order of dismissal was entered, and the case was closed after a hearing.
RN id: 2138