What are the filing fee amounts for the Judicial Stabilization Trust (JST) account under ESB 6608 that take effect June 7, 2012?

ESB 6608 increases the surcharges on most civil case filing fees. The increases take the form of surcharges which are to be split with 75% being remitted to the State Treasurer for deposit into the Judicial Stabilization Trust (JST) account and 25% to be retained by the county. These changes take effect June 7, 2012. The surcharges are temporary and are legislated for removal on July 1, 2013.

Appeal Filing Fees

  • RCW 36.18.018 is amended to increase the fee for filing an appeal to the Court of Appeals from $280 to $290.

  • RCW 36.18.020 is amended to increase appeal filing fees from courts of limited jurisdiction to superior court by $10.

Superior Court:
RCW 36.18.020 is amended to increase by $10 civil and domestic filing fees, unlawful detainer filing fees, and probate filing fees. Please see the table below for detailed information:

 Tran Code




New Amt

 1100Fee, Civil Filing

(Extra BARS codes indicate $20 and $30 law library splits)



 1103Fee, Domestic Facilitator Filing



 1106Fee, Domestic Filings



 1107Fee, CLJ Appeal Filing

(Has to have different BARS from 1100 etc., because new fee amt is different)



 1116Fee, Appellate Filing



 1118Fee, Counter-, Cross- 3rd Party Claim Filing



 1135Fee, Unlawful Detainer Filing



 1137Fee, Unlawful Detainer Combined Filing



 1138Fee, Counter/Cross/3rd Party Claims for

Unlawful Detainer



 1200Fee, Probate/Guardianship/Creditor Claims Filing




Fee, Casetypes 3, 5 Facilitator Program  Filing



 1220Fee, Will Contested Filing



1187Judicial Stabilization Account filing fee surcharge â State Portion (75% of JST)







thru $30

 1188 Judicial Stabilization Account filing fee surcharge â Local Portion (25% of JST)









Courts of Limited Jurisdiction:

  • RCW 3.62.060 is amended to increase by $10 filing fees for civil cases, counter/cross-claim, and third-party claims.

  • *RCW 12.40.020 was NOT amended; there is NO increase small claims fees.

    Please see the table below for detailed information:


Fee Code


 Old Amt

 New Amt

 AHFAnti-Harassment Filing Fee



 APFAppellate Filing Fee: $17 Law Library Portion Infraction, Civil, Or Small Claims Cases



 APJAppellate Filing Fee: $20 Law Library Portion Infraction, Civil, Or Small Claims Cases



 APLAppellate Filing Fee: $30 Law Library Portion Infraction, Civil, Or Small Claims Cases



 CVFCivil Filing Fee



 CXSSmall Claims Counter, Cross, 3rd Party Claim Fee



 CXTCivil Counter, Cross, 3rd Party Claim Fee



 SCFSmall Claims Filing Fee



See also:

Answer ID - 2012 Legislative changes impacting Courts of Limited Jurisdiction for printable lists of all CLJ filing fees.

Answer ID - Filing fees increased in 2009 for the Judicial Stabilization Trust (JST) account for a list of the original 2009 increases.

RN id: 2266