How can the court tell which AR Type or Cost Fee Code(s) to use to document when the mandatory Prostitution or Trafficking Prevention and Intervention penalties are imposed?

There are three different AR Type and Cost Fee Codes used to track the different mandatory penalties.

Superior Court AR Type Codes:

PPI - Prostitution Prevention Intervention (split 98% Local, 2% Prostitution Victim Services fund) 

PIN - Prostitution Prevention/Intervention - Commercial Sexual Abuse of a Minor/Internet Advertisement (100% State)

PTS - Prostitution/Trafficking Intervention - Local (100% Local)

Courts of Limited Jurisdiction Cost Fee Codes:

PRP - Prostitution Prevention/Intervention (split 98% Local, 2% Prostitution Victim Services fund)

PPC - Prostitution Prevention/Intervention - Commercial Sexual Abuse of a Minor/Internet Advertisement (100% State)

PTC - Prostitution/Trafficking Intervention - Local (100% Local)

One or more of each code should be applied to cases relating to Prostitution, Trafficking, and Commercial Sexual Abuse of a Minor, however the amount of the additional penalty required by statute varies based on the violation.  AOC developed a table; Additional Penalties - Trafficking, Prostitution, and Commercial Sexual Exploitation Crimes, to help define the additional statutory penalty for each violation and code(s) the courts should use.  The table is attached to the bottom of this answer.

RN id: 2359