What are the Domestic Violence Assessments and Penalties imposed by the Courts of Limited Jurisdiction?

The legislature has created three separate assessment penalties for DV-related offenses:




 Cost Fee








Penalty assessment for a DV convictionRCW 10.99.080(1)


(effective 6/10/04)

 $100Local DV advocacy and prevention programs YesNo - expempt under RCW 3.62.090(3)
Penalty assessment for a DV convictionRCW 10.99.080(1) DPO

(effective 7/24/15)
 $15Statewide DV prevention account Yes No - expempt under RCW 3.62.090(3)
Fine for conviction of Violation of DV protection order  RCW 26.50.110(1)(b)(ii) DPR

(effective 5/4/2017)
 ***$30.75Statewide DV prevention account No Yes - as a "fine" under RCW 3.62.090(1) and (2)

The DVA Cost Fee Code has been in effect since the 2004 legislation took affect. It is an assessment of $100 that maybe imposed when a defendant is convicted of a DV-related charge. This assessment is collected and devoted 100% to local DV advocacy and prevention programs within the jurisdiction.

The DPO Cost Fee Code has been in effect since the 2015 legislation took affect. It is an assessment of $15 may be imposed when a defendant is convicted of a DV-related charge. This assessment is collected and devoted 100% to the statewide DV prevention account.

The DPR Cost Fee Code takes effect 5/5/2017. It has been determined that this fine of ***$30.75 ($15 + 105% PSEA) and shall be imposed when a defendant is convicted of Violation of a DV Protection Order under RCW 26.50.110. This fine is collected and split between the statewide DV prevention account and the Public Safety and Education Assesments (PSEA) as required by RCW 3.62.090.

RN id: 2449