What is the Pin/Unpin function in BIT?

The option to Pin and/or Unpin a task in BIT allows a user to customize their homepage.  This tool allows users easy access as well as a way for them to organize their tabs. The limit is five (5) pinned BIT documents.

Every user who logs into BIT has two pre-configured tabs.

1. Home Tab

2. Documents Tab


The Pin/Unpin option is not available on the Home or the Documents tabs as it is universal for every user.  Any other tabs a user opens may be pinned.

In this example, the user opens up a new Tab by running the Web Intelligence application for their query.

The user then locates and clicks the Pin Icon on the tab:


Once the user clicks the Pin Icon, the tab is now pinned to the taskbar.  The user will know the tab is pinned because the Pin Icon is now facing downwards and has changed color from blue to green, see below:


The user can Unpin the task by hovering over the Icon.  This causes the Pin Icon to disappear and the words "Unpin this Task" display.


Once a user hovers and clicks, the Task is unpinned and the Tab returns to its regular initial view:


The user can Pin/Unpin an unlimited amounts of times for any Tab.  Anytime a Tab is pinned, BIT will remember and display the Tab even if the user logs out or back in. 

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