How do I find my Historical eService Tickets that were in the 'My Stuff' area in the eService Center?


1. Access Inside Courts. Upon accessing the landing page’s navigation menu, scroll to the ‘Help’ link and expand the                    selection.



2. Upon selecting the ‘Historical eService Tickets’ link, the following page will display:



3. The Historical eService Tickets are for tickets submitted February 2004-July 2022. Your current Court Email Address and Court Code will auto populate in the ‘Advanced Search” field. 


4. The following ‘Search Fields’ will be available: 

Note: You will also be able to select the Search button at the bottom to return up to 250 most recent Historical eService Tickets and from that you will be able to access your Historical eService Ticket using the Simple Search by entering the RN Number. 


5. Users may search by the following methods: 

    Simple Search: RN Ticket Number or Select ‘Search’ at the bottom of the landing page.

Note: A ‘Ticket List’ returning 250 of the user’s most recent ‘Historical eService’ tickets can be returned by selecting the ‘Search’ button at the bottom of the landing page.


6. Upon completing the initial search, a ticket list will return, displaying all of or the user’s most recent 250 Historical eService tickets. To view a specific Historical eService Ticket, click on the RN Number hyperlink:



7. All information will display for your review to save as a PDF or print.



8. If Attachments are indicated, the number of attachments will display accordingly.


Note: If attachments are included, please submit an additional eService ticket and AOC Customer Services will provide attachments associated with the ticket if applicable.


9. To narrow your search results:

  1.  Click on the back arrow in the browser, Step #1 and modify current selected search fields.
  2. To Reset the entire search, Select the ‘Reset’ button, Step #2 to submit a new search.
  3. To save the current search result list, Select the Print/Save button, Step #3 


10. To Print and/or Save a single Historical eService Ticket or Full Ticket List: Select printer or PDF and save to your computer.


Note: Users may select to Save the Historical eService ticket list as a PDF or print ticket list for future reference or print an individual ticket.

11. To conduct an ‘Advanced Search’, choose one or more ‘Advanced Search Fields’ and Select the Search button at the              bottom of the screen.

Note: A new Historical eService Ticket List will display reflecting your refined and/or new search.